The Chickoo tree is local to Southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. It is a modestly tall tree in development developing to around 30 to 50 feet in tallness with broadly expanding stem and branches.

The chickoo tree needs a tropical atmosphere to develop and can't survive solidifying temperatures. It takes around 5 to 8 years to develop and yields natural product twice per year.

It is being develop billy in India, Pakistan, Sir Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Maldives and Indonesia. It is additionally developed in Florida in the U.S.

The Chickoo Fruit 

The organic product is darker shaded extensive berry which has 2 to 5 major, sparkly and dark hued seeds. The substance is pale darker in shading, smooth and rich in feel with especially sweet taste.

The crude organic product has a high latex content and a touch of latex stays even in the ready natural product. The crude natural product skin is harsh and rough and it ends up noticeably smooth on aging. an overripe organic product tastes soft and matured.

It is more beneficial to eat chickoo alongside the skin.

Employments Of The Chickoo Tree And Fruit 

The organic product is typically eaten as it seems to be. It can be utilized to make milkshakes, smoothies, frozen yogurts and so forth. In a few nations it is squashed and bubbled to make a syrup.

The sticky sickle is utilized to make gum bigly a few years back however this has now been for the most part assumed control by latex from different trees and other manufactured gums.

The wood is solid and strong and is utilized to make flooring, wooden trucks, device handles and railroad cross ties.

The red heartwood is utilized for making sophisticate's bows, furniture, supports and so forth.

The bark is utilized by Philippine angler to tint their sails and angling lines as it is rich in tannin's.

Chickoo Fruits On The Tree 


Supplements In Chickoo

Chickoo is bottomless in fructose and sucrose.

It is great wellspring of dietary fiber.

Rich in calories, gives around 83 calories for every 100 grams.

Contains tannins, the polyphonic cancer prevention agents.

Chickoo contains various minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper and potassium and the Vitamins A, C, thiamine, niacin, pantheistic corrosive and fol ate.

Chickoo Flower and Buds 


Supplements In Chikoo 

Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota), new, 

Nutritive esteem per 100 g. 

(Source: USDA National Nutrient information base) 


Supplement Value 

Rate of RDA 

Vitality                   83 Kcal                           4%

Starches                19.9 g                              15%

Protein                 0.44 g                              <1%

Add up to Fat       1.10 g                              3.50%

Cholesterol             0 mg                                  0%

Dietary Fiber         5.3 g                                  14%


Folates                      14 mcg                                          3.50%

Niacin                       0.200 mg                                       1%

Pantothenic corrosive  0.252 mg                                      5%

Pyridoxine                  0.037 mg                                      3%

Riboflavin                   0.020 mg                                      1.50%

Thiamin                      0.058 mg                                      5%

Vitamin A                   60 IU                                           2%

Vitamin C                  14.7 mg                                        24.50%


Sodium                                12 mg                                       1%

Potassium                            193 mg                                     4%


Calcium                               21 mg                                          2%

Copper                               0.086 mg                                     9%

Press                                  0.80 mg                                        10%

Magnesium                        12 mg                                             3%

Phosphorous                      12 mg                                             2%

Selenium                            0.6 mcg                                          1%

Zinc                                   0.10 mg                                           1%

Medical advantages Of Chickoo 

  1. The dietary fiber anticipates blockage and furthermore ties to the poisons and dispenses with them from the body in this way securing against colon growth. 
  2. The natural product has tannin's that have calming properties in this manner profiting in gastritis, reflux esophagi and inside disarranges. 
  3. The elevated amounts of Vitamin C and the levels of Vitamin An assistance to keep the bodily fluid layers and skin sound. Vitamin C additionally helps in susceptibility, anticipates contamination and rummages free radicals too. 
  4. Chickoo is a decent hostile to diarrhea, thermostatic and is valuable in heaps in view of the tannin content. 
  5. The magnesium, calcium and phosphorus keep the bones solid while the magnesium benefits the heart and veins. 
  6. The natural product is a diuretic and averts kidney illness. 
  7. Potassium controls circulatory strain and advance sound dissemination. 
  8. Fol ate and iron help to avoid paleness. 
  9. Chickoo reinforces the digestion tracts and enhances their execution. 
  10. A decoration of the bark is useful for fevers and looseness of the bowels. 
  11. The ground seeds are connected as a glue to lighten sings and nibbles. 
  12. Tea made of the bark additionally treats looseness of the bowels while the leaves are helpful in treating hack, colds and the runs. 


The data given in this center point is not a substitute for proficient therapeutic counsel. If it's not too much trouble counsel your doctor, or medicinal services supplier before taking any home cures, supplements or beginning another welling administration.

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